Filter for insert HTML in Angular Js

show html
angular js

If you need to display raw HTML content to the page view with AngularJS, you can use the $sce service that comes with AngularJS. $sce stands for Strict Contextual Escaping. The service has trustAsHTML method with take some arbitrary text or HTML.

Example HTML content is 

$scope.html = '<b>render me please</b>';

The html code is

<p class="text">{{html}}</p>

from the user side the html will display  as

<b>render me please</b>

By using the below filter, the text will displayed as 

render me please

The filter is 

angular.module('test').filter('RenderHtmlText', function($sce) {
    return function(val) {
		return $sce.trustAsHtml(val);

$sce is a service that provides Strict Contextual Escaping services to AngularJS.

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