Eamcet - Physics - Physical World And Measurements Question And Answers

The radii and Young's moduli of two uniform wires A and B are in the ratio 2 : 1 and 1 : 2 respectively. Both wires are subjected to the same longitudinal force. If the increase in length of the wire A is one percent the percentage increase in length of the wire B is

A.  1.0

B.  1.5

C.  2.0

D.  3.0

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The pair of physical quantities not having the same dimensional formula is :

A.  acceleration, gravitational field strength

B.  torque, angular momentum

C.  pressure, modulus of elasticity

D.  all of the above

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The extension of a wire by application of a load is 0.3 cm.The extension in a wire of same material, but of double the length and half the radius of cross-section, by the same load will be, in cm :

A.  0.3

B.  0.6

C.  1.2

D.  2.4

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The fundamental physical quantities that have same dimensions in the dimensional formula of torque and angular momentum are

A.  mass, time

B.  time, length

C.  mass, length

D.  time, mole

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The dark lines in the solar spectrum are due to:

A.  Absorption of certain wavelengths by elements present in the outer layer

B.  Absence of certain elements in the sun

C.  Black body radiation from the sun

D.  Scattering of light

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In CGS system the magnitude of the force is 100 dynes. In another system where the fundamental physical quantities are kilogram, meter and minute, the magnitude of the force is:

A.  0.036

B.  0.36

C.  3.6

D.  36

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The velocity v (in cm/sec) of a particle is given in terms of time t (in sec) by the equation,V = at + [b / (t+c)]. The dimensions of a,b,c are

A.  L2,T,LT2

B.  LT2,LT,L

C.  LT-2,L,T

D.  L,LT,T2

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