Variable can hold ________ value at a time
A. Single
B. Multiple
C. Double
D. None of these
We can declare ___________ at a time. Select most appropriate option.
A. One Variable Only
B. More than One Variables
C. One or more Variables
D. None of these
We can declare all type of variables in JavaScript with the keyword _____________.
A. var
B. jvar
C. obj
D. None of these
Spaces,Punctuation marks are called as __________ Symbols in JavaScript.
A. Special
B. Punctual
C. Mandetory
D. None of these
Which JavaScript variable cannot be used as First character but can be use after first character ?
A. Asterisk
B. Dollar Sign
C. Underscore
D. Digit
var num; Above Statement is called as __________ Statement.
A. Instantization
B. Globalization
C. Declaration
D. Initialization
var num=20; Above Statement is called as __________ Statement. Select all the appropriate options.
A. Declaration/Initialization
B. Globalization
C. Instatiation
D. None of these
Integer Variable is declared using following syntax in JavaScript.
A. Integer num;
B. var num;
C. int num;
D. integer num;
Variable name contain following type of characters -1. Alphabet2. Digits3. Underscore4. Special ChractersSelect the correct option.
A. 3 4 2
B. 4 3 1
C. 1 2 3 4
D. 1 2 3
Initialization of variable can be done by writing _____ operator in between variable name and operand value.
B. ==
D. =
Multiple Declarations of variables are separated by ___________ symbol
A. Semicolon
B. Colon
C. Comma
D. Asterisk
Underscore can be used as first letter while declaring variable in JavaScript.
A. False
B. True
var var1 = "Pritesh"; Above variable can store value of type.
A. String
B. Any Type
C. Integer
D. None of these
var x = 5; var y = 6; var z = 5 + 6; document.write(x + ""); document.write(y + ""); document.write(z + ""); Guess output of the following code.
A. 5 6 11
B. 5 6 56
C. 5 6 10
D. Error
var x = "5"; var y = 6; var z = x + y; document.write(x + ""); document.write(y + ""); document.write(z + ""); Guess output of the following code.
A. 5 6 11
B. 5 6 10
C. 5 6 56
D. None of These
Variable declared without a value will have the value ______________.Eg. var num;
A. 0
B. null
C. undefined
D. None of these
var num1 = 1; var num2 = 1; var num3 = "1" + num1 + num2; document.write(num1 + ""); document.write(num2 + ""); document.write(num3 + ""); Guess output of the following code.
A. 1 1 3
B. 1 1 12
C. 1 1 111
D. None of these
var x = 12.45; var y = 1; var z = '8' + x + y; document.write(z + ""); Value of Z is
A. 21.450
B. 21.451
C. 812.451
D. 813.451
var name = "John Doe"; var name = 123; document.write(name + ""); Is it possible to change the type of value after re-assignment.
A. Yes !! It is possible.
B. It can be possible if variable is assigned with interger value.
C. No
D. None of these
When you assign a text value to a variable, we put text value in the pair of _________.
A. Single/Double Quote
B. Square Bracket
C. None of these
Non Initialized Variable have value "undefine", What value be printed in following case. var carname="Volvo"; var carname;
A. undefined
B. Error
C. Volvo
D. null
What will be the value of Variable - "num3" ? var num1; var num2 = 10; var num3 = num1 + num2;
A. 10
B. undefine10
C. undefine
D. None of these
var x = 5; var y = 6; document.write((x + y) + ""); What will be the output of the following code ?
A. 56
B. Error
C. No Output
D. 11
Variable declared inside JavaScript Function will be called as ____________.
A. Global Variables
B. Local Variables
Vriables declared inside function are visible _______________.
A. Inside the function in which it is declared
B. to all the functions
C. All the scripts inside save JS File
D. None of these
function message() { var name = "Pritesh"; alert(name); } Variable declared above is example of ___________ Variable.
A. Global
B. Local
Variable declared outside JavaScript Function is called as _______________ .
A. Global Variable
B. Local Variable