How To Get Your Blogs Posts Using Blogger API


By using blogger api, we can get all our blogger posts. Every blog has one id, By using below url we can get the posts.

Replace blogger id in blogeer_id, In php simplexml_load_file() we can fetch the posts here is code.

		<title>Blogger Api Example</title>
			$blogeer_id = '1234567980481307770';
			$URL = "".$blogeer_id."/posts/default";
			$xmlData = simplexml_load_file($URL);
			foreach($xmlData->entry as $postList){
				echo '<div>';
				echo '<h2>'.$postList->title.'</h2>'; // This is post title
				echo '<p>'.$postList->content.'</p>'; // This is post content
				echo '</div>';
				echo '<hr>';




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