Time Sorting Ascending or Descending Order in Javascript

ascending order
descending order

I have an object like 

var details = [{id:1,fromtime:10:00},{id:2,fromtime:20:00},{id:3,fromtime:15:00}];

I want show the records by from time order.  Here is the javascript code for time sorting.

function SortByTime(a,b){
    var fromtime1 = a.fromtime;
    fromtime1 = parseInt(fromtime1.trim().replace(':','')); // 900				
    var	fromtime2 = b.fromtime;
    fromtime2 = parseInt(fromtime2.trim().replace(':','')); // 1100
    if(fromtime1 > fromtime2){
        return ((fromtime1 < fromtime2) ? -1 : ((fromtime1 > fromtime2) ? 1 : 0));					

Here is the code for calling above function.




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